Wifi Frequently Asked Questions


please bookmark welcome.plumassierratelecommunications.com/portal/monthly_wireless, as you will need this site in the future.

If you are a guest at Clio’s River’s Edge RV Park, please use: welcome.plumassierratelecommunications.com/portal/cliorv

Setting your Password

When you first purchased or signed up for PST’s WiFi services, the device you made that purchase on will be remembered by the WiFi, so there will be no need to login in the future on that device. However, if you wish to add more devices to your account, creating a password and easy to remember username is important.

First, go to welcome.plumassierratelecommunications.com/portal/monthly_wireless, and then click on profile in the top menu.

If you are a guest at Clio’s River’s Edge RV Park, please use: welcome.plumassierratelecommunications.com/portal/cliorv.

Once there, enter a username that you will remember and a secure password that you will also be able to remember.

When you are done, click update, and your account information will be updated with your password and username.

Seeing How Much Time You Have Left

To do this, simply login, if you haven’t already. The side bar should tell you how much time you have left on your plan. You should also be able to see your current usage plan’s details.

To Upgrade

To upgrade, click on the Usage Plans link at the top of the page. If you are logged in, you should be able to see various plans and be able to upgrade using the pay now button below the plans, or recharge your current plan.

Adding Devices

With PST WiFi services, you can add up to 5 devices on one account. You can add devices in two ways.

1. Login on another device

This is the easiest way. All you need to do is use your newly created account and login to your account on the device you would like to add to your account. That’s it! The device will be added automatically upon login.

2. Add the device’s MAC address

This way requires you to know the MAC address of the device you want to add. To add this, go to the top of welcome.plumassierratelecommunications.com/portal/monthly_wireless and click on the Devices tab.

If you are a guest at Clio’s River’s Edge RV Park, please use: welcome.plumassierratelecommunications.com/portal/cliorv.

Once here, add the MAC address into the correct field and click “add”.

Once you have done this, your device should have access to PST’s WiFi.