CASF Line Extension Program
Plumas-Sierra Telecommunications has a long history of building out middle-mile and last-mile fiber within our communities. But for many, installing fiber to the home can be cost prohibitive. We understand that trenching and laying conduit from PST’s infrastructure to an individual’s home can be expensive and potentially outside of their budget. PST’s ultimate goal is to provide reliable and affordable fiber optic broadband service to everyone in our community and the surrounding area. We are here to provide assistance and provide resources that can help alleviate the financial burden of connecting homes to our fiber network.
The California Advanced Services Fund Line Extension Program
AB 1665 created the Line Extension Program (LEP) as a pilot project within the California Advanced Services Fund (CASF) Broadband Infrastructure Grant Account. Under the LEP, an individual household and/or property owner can apply for an infrastructure grant to offset the costs of connecting a household or property to an existing or proposed facility-based broadband provider.
Are You An Eligible Applicant?
An “Eligible Applicant” is a customer residing at the location to be served who qualifies for the California LifeLine or CARE Program’s qualifying income threshold. Applicants not enrolled in the CARE or LifeLine programs but have a household income equivalent to the CARE program’s income guidelines automatically meet the qualifying income threshold.
How To Apply
A single CASF Line Extension Program Grant Application must be submitted by each recipient of the Line Extension Program Grant. If an individual is applying on behalf of multiple households, each individual household must submit the required documentation.
To start, please review the LEP Application Instructions.
Once reviewed, you may begin filling out the Line Extension Program Application.
Complete and submit Consent Form #1 (or Consent Form #1 Spanish)
If necessary, complete and submit Consent Form #2 (or Consent Form #2 Spanish)
The applicant must provide all applicable documents as required in this section:
- Line Extension Application Form
- If applying for multiple households, include an attachment(s) that includes the additional household information.
- Contract and/or estimate from the facilities-based broadband provider or its approved contractor that includes:
- Type of connection
- Expected service speeds
- Statement of work
- Detailed cost estimate
- Proof of enrollment in a qualifying public assistance program, if applicable.
- If qualifying based on income, proof of income. Please only provide the last four digits of the social security number.
- A written statement from the facilities-based broadband provider or its approved contractor that the project is statutorily or categorically exempt from CEQA requirements and cites the relevant authority, as applicable.
- Consent Form #1.
- If an applicant is not the property owner, a signed Consent Form #2.
Important Information Regarding Application Submission
Applicants must electronically submit their completed application along with required documentation using the Commission’s email address at: and mail a separate hard copy to:
Communications Division
Attn: California Advanced Services Fund, Line Extension Program
California Public Utilities Commission
505 Van Ness Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94102
The submitted documents must be clear and legible.